Photo of People Riding Kayaks Near Mountains

Travel More, Travel Better, Travel for Less!

Do you know the big travel secret?

Most booking sites such as Expedia, Priceline, Travelocity, etc. are owned by just 2 companies. So, while you are comparing prices on each site to see which is a few dollars cheaper, all the money is going to the same place anyway. Google it for yourself.

In fact, NBC4 News Los Angeles did a report on the industry. WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO.

About us:

The name of our company is Travorium. We are an 11 year old company with thousands of members in over 65 countries. Using our membership, you can travel for pennies on the dollar. Watch the 4 minute overview video for details.

These are just a sample of destinations and prices that are available to our members. In this one platform alone, we have access to 80 to 100 of these each year. Yes, all the prices are correct, include the entire stay, and are for 2 people. Some are all-inclusive!

Schedule an online meeting and I will demonstrate the savings real time. I look forward to hearing from you. Call or text “Zoom” to 704-733-7602, or message me on Facebook.